What is a situationship?

Lots of modern people prefer having situationships over relationships - they claim it’s just easier this way. But what is a situationship in the first place? And what to do when getting over a situationship becomes a real problem?

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    Lagos, Nigeria
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    Bogotá, Colombia
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    Hangzhou, China
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    Colombia, Colombia
  • LUCIANA, 29
    Bogotá, Colombia
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    Aleksinac, Serbia

Read further to learn what to do when falling in love in a situationship, and how to end it when you want it to stop. It’s time to educate yourself on what it is and how to cope with them.

a couple of students chatting

How to get over a situationship?

While situationships are meant to be short-lived and enjoyable, people you sleep with can actually become important to you. It might be a problem, though - because many short-term partners don’t actually want to continue when they understand that you actually fall for them.

That’s the main feature when comparing situationship vs FWB - you have to actually get over someone when everything stops. So, how to get over a situationship?

Define Your Boundaries

Clearly establish what you want and need from a relationship. If the situationship isn't meeting those needs, it's essential to set firm boundaries to protect your emotional well-being.

Reflect on Your Feelings

Take time to think about what you feel and understand why the situationship may not be fulfilling. This self-awareness is vital for getting over a situationship and also making healthier choices.

Communicate Openly

If you feel comfortable, have an open and honest conversation with the other person about your feelings and the nature of the relationship. This can bring clarity and closure, helping both parties move on.

Distract Yourself Positively

Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Whether it's pursuing a hobby, spending time with friends, or focusing on personal growth, positive distractions can ease the process of moving on.

Realize that if it wasn't meeting your needs, it may not have been the right relationship for you.

Set Personal Goals

Channel your energy into personal goals and aspirations. This not only redirects your focus but also empowers you to grow independently, fostering a sense of accomplishment.

Avoid Idealizing the Relationship

Try not to romanticize or idealize the situationship. Realize that if it wasn't meeting your needs, it may not have been the right relationship for you. This perspective shift can aid in moving on.

Learn from the Experience

Consider the situationship as a learning opportunity. Reflect on what you liked and disliked about it, and use these insights to make more informed decisions in future relationships.

Give Yourself Time

Healing takes time, so be patient with yourself. Allow the natural process of moving on to unfold without rushing or putting unnecessary pressure on yourself.

Redirect Negative Thoughts

Whenever negative thoughts about the situationship arise, consciously redirect your mind to positive aspects of your life. Focus on the present and the potential for positive future relationships.

a handsome man sending a text message

How to end a situationship?

In some cases, short-term love stories become exhausting, boring, or simply not that enjoyable. That’s when people think about how to end a situationship without hurting anyone’s feelings.

Choose the Right Setting

Opt for a private and comfortable setting when you decide to have the conversation. This allows both parties to express themselves without added pressure or discomfort.

Use "I" Statements

Frame your thoughts using "I" statements to explain your feelings and needs without sounding accusatory. Clearly express why you believe ending a situationship is the right decision for you. Honesty, even if it's tough, fosters understanding.

Acknowledge the Positive Aspects

Acknowledge any positive aspects of the situationship. This isn't about assigning blame but recognizing that there were moments of connection or joy. It can help ease the conversation.

Ending a toxic situationship can be emotionally challenging, and having a support system can make the process more manageable.

Avoid Ambiguity

Be clear about your decision to end the situationship. Ambiguity can lead to confusion or false hope. State your feelings straightforwardly, ensuring there's no room for misinterpretation.

Express a Need for Clarity

If the situationship was characterized by ambiguity, express your need for clarity in relationships. This helps the other person understand your desire for a more defined and committed connection.

Listen to Their Perspective

Allow the other person to share their perspective and feelings. Listen actively without interrupting, giving them the space to express themselves. This can lead to a more mutual understanding.

Set Clear Boundaries

Establish clear boundaries moving forward when ending a situationship. This may involve deciding how much contact you'll have, if any, and what kind of relationship, if any, you're comfortable maintaining.

Take a Break if Needed

If the conversation becomes emotionally charged, it's okay to take a break. This allows both parties to gather their thoughts and approach the discussion with a calmer mindset.

Seek Support

Reach out to friends or a trusted confidant for emotional support. Ending a toxic situationship can be emotionally challenging, and having a support system can make the process more manageable.

Focus on Self-Care Afterward

After ending a situationship, prioritize self-care. Engage in activities that bring you comfort and joy, allowing yourself the time and space to heal.

a young couple making a heart sign on a beach

Can a situationship turn into a relationship?

Let’s imagine that you can’t just get over someone, and you feel like you want something more than what you have. Can a situationship turn into a relationship? Well, it can - but it doesn’t work every time.

Before you even start hanging out together, you and your situationship have some rules that help you protect your personal boundaries. That’s the main thing that describes situationship vs dating. Meanwhile, there are still a few conditions that can help you turn one thing into another.

Shared Growth Goals

If both individuals in the exclusive situationship express a desire for personal growth and share similar life goals, it creates a foundation for a relationship. Aligning aspirations can naturally lead to a more committed connection.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence on both sides is crucial. The ability to understand and communicate feelings fosters a deeper connection. If both individuals can navigate emotions effectively, it paves the way for a more meaningful relationship.

Joint Problem-Solving

When faced with challenges or disagreements, the ability to collaboratively solve problems is essential. If both parties demonstrate a willingness to work together, it indicates a level of commitment that goes beyond the casual nature of a situationship.

If both individuals demonstrate effective conflict resolution skills, it contributes to a healthier and more stable foundation for a committed relationship.

Consensual Future Planning

Discussing and planning for the future together is a strong indicator of a transitioning relationship. If both individuals actively engage in conversations about shared goals and a future together, it suggests a desire for a more serious commitment.

Effective Conflict Resolution

The way conflicts are handled can significantly impact the trajectory of a relationship. If both individuals demonstrate effective conflict resolution skills, it contributes to a healthier and more stable foundation for a committed relationship.

Mutual Respect for Independence

Respecting each other's independence and individuality is vital. If both parties value and encourage personal growth, allowing each other to maintain a sense of self within the relationship, it creates a healthier dynamic.

Comfortable Silence

The ability to be comfortable in silence together can signify a deepening connection. If both individuals can enjoy each other's company without the need for constant conversation, it indicates a level of comfort and intimacy that goes beyond a casual situationship.

Willingness to Compromise

A relationship requires compromise. If both individuals show a genuine willingness to compromise on certain aspects of their lives to accommodate each other, it suggests a commitment to making the relationship work.

Celebration of Individual Achievements

Acknowledging and celebrating each other's personal achievements is crucial. If both individuals take joy in the other's successes and support each other's individual growth, it contributes to a positive and nurturing relationship environment.

Consistent Emotional Availability

Consistent emotional availability is key. If both parties consistently make an effort to be emotionally present for each other, sharing joys and supporting through challenges, it signifies a deeper emotional connection.

a young couple falling asleep together

How to turn a situationship into a relationship?

Finally, in some cases, you just can’t stop thinking about this person, so you want to know how to turn a situationship into a relationship. It might not be easy, though - situationship vs dating have pretty different goals and terms. It doesn’t mean it’s impossible, though - so use these tips.

Express Your Feelings Clearly

Take the initiative to express your feelings openly and honestly. Share what you enjoy about the situationship and why you'd like it to evolve into a more committed relationship. Clarity is key.

Define Your Expectations

Clearly outline your expectations for the relationship. Discuss what commitment means to you and what you envision for the future. This helps in aligning both of your expectations and understanding each other's goals.

Initiate Meaningful Conversations

Engage in conversations about deeper topics, such as personal values, life goals, and long-term plans. This can naturally lead to discussions about the potential for a more serious relationship.

Show Consistency

Demonstrate consistency in your actions. Be reliable, responsive, and supportive. Consistency builds trust and can pave the way for a more committed and meaningful connection.

Address any ambiguity and express your desire for a more defined commitment. Clear communication is essential for moving towards a relationship.

Share Vulnerabilities

Open up about your vulnerabilities and encourage the other person to do the same. Sharing deeper emotions can create a stronger emotional bond and foster a sense of intimacy.

Introduce Each Other to Important People

Take steps to integrate each other into your social circles. Introducing your situationship to important friends and family members can signify a deeper level of commitment and involvement in each other's lives.

Collaborate on Future Plans

Discuss and collaborate on future plans together. Whether it's planning a trip, attending an event, or setting shared goals, participating in joint planning activities can indicate a desire for a more substantial relationship.

Celebrate Relationship Milestones

Acknowledge and celebrate relationship milestones, even if they are small. It could be the anniversary of when you first met, the first time you went on a date, or other significant moments. Celebrating these milestones brings a sense of importance to your connection.

Establish Relationship Rituals

Create rituals or routines that are unique to your relationship. It could be a weekly movie night, a monthly adventure, or other shared activities that strengthen the bond and create a sense of continuity.

Address Ambiguity Directly

Have a direct conversation about the nature of your relationship. Address any ambiguity and express your desire for a more defined commitment. Clear communication is essential for moving towards a relationship.

Be Patient, But Set a Timeline

Patience is crucial, but it's also okay to set a timeline for progress. If you feel that the situationship is lasting longer than you're comfortable with, gently express your desire for a clearer direction within a reasonable timeframe.

Seek Relationship Advice Together

Consider seeking relationship advice together. This could involve reading a relationship book, attending a workshop, or even engaging in couples counseling. Seeking guidance together signals a commitment to improving and growing as a couple.

a picture of a happy couple with their dog

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