Dictionary of dating definitions you should have a look at

Modern dating has a special slang that makes it easier for potential partners to understand what to expect from dating and to share their experiences with friends and close people. Also, it allows people online to discuss their dating issues and get help from more experienced users, so it makes dating easier for everyone. To understand these special words, you need to look through this dictionary of a dater: though you probably already know most of them, some new words can be pretty handy to you.

  • Zah, 40
    Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  • Joie, 35
    Miami, USA
  • Samy, 35
    California City, USA
  • Güicho, 33
    Barcelona, Spain
  • Steven, 31
    Hangzhou, China
  • George , 28
    Owerri, Nigeria
  • Mia, 47
    Chonqging, China
  • Jesseca, 29
    Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Pao , 45
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Yenni , 39
    Medellín, Colombia
  • Antony, 43
    Paris, France
  • Oakley, 30
    Shanghai, China

If you think online dating only brought a change to how relationships are seen, you are totally wrong. This is not the only difference it made in society. Another important sphere of modern dating including dating online influences is the language. If you want to start dating American women or men, then you need to understand the local dictionary of a dater.

We all know how fluid the language is. The moment a new phenomenon is created it is in need of a word to be described. And people’s creative minds come up with more and more new terms to apply to occurrences that were never a thing before. As for dating, there are now multiple terms that people didn’t use even a decade ago.

We suggest you study an online dating dictionary of a modern dater and learn more about the way people describe various things and relationships now.

What does B stand for

Some words of a modern dater uses which start with B are:

  • Benching. It is a term that originated using a word for those who are on a bench when a real game is going on. They could play in case something happens with other players, but for the most part, they just sit there waiting. As for dating, it means an affair with a person who you are not really into, but agree to date in case there are no other options and you don’t fancy being alone;
  • Breadcrumbing. This is what happens when you don’t want to make a big effort in order to keep the romantic interest going. Those who are breadcrumbing send brief flirtatious messages and therefore keep attracting a person. Usually, it doesn’t relate to real love as in that case you definitely want to do as much as you can.

What does C stand for

And here are some words which every person dating online knows, and they start with C:

  • Catfishing. This term is used to describe those who don’t present their real identity online. These are usually individuals who completely alternate themselves to create a non-existent online personality. You won’t find real photos in such profiles and the info will probably also be imaginary. Sometimes such people choose a person to use as a cover;
  • Cushioning. You want to have a cushion when you fall to make it less traumatic, right? The same is a thing actively dating individuals desire in case of a rough breakup. There has to be somebody else to replace an ex-partner and smooth things up: or, basically, play a role of a cushion.

a woman can’t understand the messages she receives

What does D stand for

DTR - is one of the most common terms used nowadays. As relationships moved towards starting online, a border between simple communication and actual dating blurred. To decide what is actually going on a DTR (define the relationship) conversation is held. But you have to choose the perfect timing for it: if you bring up becoming a couple officially too early, a person might not be ready and get scared of responsibilities. And in case it happens too late they might just have already lost hope.

What does F stand for

FWB or friends with benefits is a simple way to describe a relationship where you are not a couple and probably have no intention to become one, but you know each other quite well and have nothing against having sex together once in a while. It doesn’t mean you only want personal satisfaction from a person. Just sometimes there are cases when you are not ready to commit to a full-time relationship, but at the same time, there are certain physical demands you want to fulfil. And if nobody is against it - then nothing wrong happens.

What does G stand for

One of the partners suddenly starts ignoring the other, doesn’t reply to messages and just pays no attention anymore - in simple words, becomes a ghost.

There are cases when your communication with a person is kind of one-sided. They are really into you, while you aren’t. Or you definitely have feelings which they don’t respond to. And when it becomes hard to have an actual conversation about no longer being friends, ghosting enters the scene. One of the partners suddenly starts ignoring the other, doesn’t reply to messages and just pays no attention anymore - in simple words, becomes a ghost.

What does K stand for

Kittenfishing is a term that is used to describe dishonesty online. It is not as terrible as catfishing, but it also implies you don’t present a realistic image of yourself to possible dates. In that case, you don’t use an undercover to be seen as a totally different person, but alternate yourself the way it would bring more attention: use graphic editors to perfect a face and body or tell the wrong information in a profile.

a happy guy in a blue shirt is using his smartphone and smiling

What does N stand for

If you ever heard of Netflix and chill you might have assumed it is about watching movies together and relaxing in the evening. But it has become a definition for a date when one of the partners comes over to another, they actually start by watching Netflix, but it eventually leads to sex. So if your partner suggests you Netflix and chill evening, don’t be mistaken.

What does S stand for

Once you are single and on vacation, you might have a desire to get into a love affair. But you have no intention of making it long-term though. That is what is called a summer fling or a short-term dating experience with someone you meet during holidays.

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