Dating single Russian guys

Every country has lots of stereotypes about its people, but it’s hard to remember a nation which has more rumours about them than Russians. These people have a pretty distinctive reputation formed by lots of criminal movies portraying Russians as “bad guys” with brutal emotionless faces and doubtful intentions. These stereotypes are so strong that lots of people don’t even know what real Russians are lore, but regardless of their reputation, Russian guys are often seen as pretty attractive for women because of their masculine and strong nature. Lots of women would like to date a man who is strong, protective, keeps his word and behaves like a “real man”: whether you prefer romantic or brutal guys, Russians can easily be both.

  • Sam, 54
    Houston, USA
  • Antony, 44
    Paris, France
  • Ellianna , 34
    Makati City, Philippines
  • Güicho, 34
    Barcelona, Spain
  • Damian, 39
    São Paulo, Brazil
  • Mile, 41
    Barrancabermeja, Colombia
  • Lexie, 29
    İstanbul, Turkey
  • Irina, 39
    Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Kseniya, 32
    Kyiv, Ukraine
  • 邦尼, 35
    kunming, China, China
  • Luz, 50
    Calamba City, Philippines
  • AXEL, 36
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Russia is a country of contrasts: it’s hard to believe that there are so unfriendly-looking but so cheerful and sincere people living there. Though not everyone has an opportunity to meet a Russian partner of their dreams, it’s worth it: a good Russian partner can make you feel feminine and beautiful all the time, so you’ll have an amazing dating experience with him. These men have lots of qualities which can surprise you: that’s why dating a Russian guy can be one of the best decisions in your life.

What makes dating a Russian guy so special

a young serious man posing with his arms crossed outdoors

Whether you believe stereotypes about Russian people or not, there are plenty of things which differ Russian dating culture and the Western one. Every country has its own traditions and customs connected with dating, and it’s even easier to see it comparing Western and Eastern countries. Russia is huge and it’s a motherland of people of different nationalities who share their motherland but still have different culture and views: dating a Russian from the Western part of the country is not the same as dating a person from Eastern Russia. Though lots of countries are pretty different in their regions, it can be especially seen there because of how huge the country is.

Russia is huge and it’s a motherland of people of different nationalities who share their motherland but still have different culture and views: dating a Russian from the Western part of the country is not the same as dating a person from Eastern Russia.

Besides Caucasians, there are also lots of Asian and oriental people in Russia: there are more than 150 languages in Russia and lots of different nationalities as well. In general, it’s much easier to start dating a guy from Moscow or St. Petersburg than other cities: lots of young and ambitious people move there to study and work because there are much more perspectives and opportunities for people there. Also, lots of people living in major cities are pretty Westernized and it’s much easier for a foreigner to find a common language with them: they are pretty used to the fast pace of life and are aware of what’s happening in other countries in the world.

There are a few things you should remember about dating a Russian guy and having a relationship with him:

  • Russians are pretty romantic. There are lots of famous Russians poets who raised romance in Russian people’s hearts: even the most brutal Russian men can be very gentle and smooth with women they love. It’s traditional to bring flowers and to walk women home after dates in Russia because men care about women’s security and safety. Russian men are not as expressive and talkative as many other nationalities, but they also can say compliments and do little things to please their women. Their care and affection is often seen in small detail and it makes it even more valuable;
  • Russian guys are protective. In general, it’s important for a Russian woman to feel protected and safe with her man: a man takes care of her well-being and security when he’s with a lady. That’s why lots of Russian men are ready to fight for their women and their dignity: these people don’t tolerate disrespect;
  • Russians tend to be pretty conservative. It’s true that lots of Russians have traditional family values and are a bit far from super-progressive Western views on equality and independence. At the same time, their views are pretty far from extremely radical and patriarchal ones: they balance somewhere in between and their family relationships can be pretty different depending on people’s traits of character. What is generally true is that most Russians love children and want to create families: though in many Western countries people prefer to have a job and accomplish something before creating a family, lots of Russians make families pretty early;
  • Men are seen as heads of their families in Russia. It’s pretty traditional there to see a man as the main breadwinner and provider of his family: just like in many patriarchal countries, men usually make the most important decisions and are responsible for their families’ well-being. At the same time, there are lots of Russian families where both spouses work and earn their living because it’s financially easier for women to work than to be housewives. At the same time, a woman with a strong character can become a leader in her family: it happens naturally, and nominally her husband is still considered the head of their family;
  • They pay on dates. Though there are some Russian men living in big cities long enough to get used to Western-like separate bills, most of the Russian men still prefer to pay for their ladies on dates. It shows not only their ability to pay and to provide their potential partner, but also their care for a woman and their good manners;
  • Russian men don’t panic when something goes wrong. It’s one of the Russian traits of character which is widely liked by women all over the world: they always try to find a solution for every difficult situation and never show their panic or weakness. A Russian guy wants his woman to feel safe, so he’ll try his best to fix or solve almost anything: these guys are too tough to show their fear or tears and they want their women to see heroes in them.

Find a Russian guy for dating and relationships online with

a young smiling guy posing while holding a cup of tea

Though Russia seems extremely mysterious and interesting for many tourists all over the world, not everyone has an opportunity to go there for a while. What is even more important, being there for a week or two is often not enough to understand a “mysterious Russian soul” and to find a decent potential partner there. You should spend a few months living there and learning to speak Russian at least a bit to become closer to their culture and habits: just like many other countries, Russia has its unique features and customs you can’t learn in a day.

But even if you have no opportunity to go there for a while, there’s still a chance to meet a decent Russian guy open for dating and relationships: there are plenty of online dating services which help people living in different corners of the Earth to meet their soulmates and to start their romantic relationships with them. Just like people from any other country, there are lots of Russians interested in dating foreign women: though not all of them are extremely good at English, they usually try their best to communicate and to socialize with interesting people living abroad. It’s especially true for people living in two major Russian cities: Moscow and St. Petersburg: these cities are extremely big and they attract most of Russia’s tourists, so the locals are pretty used to speaking to foreigners and are hospitable and friendly with them.

Russia has its unique features and customs you can’t learn in a day. is one of the most popular online dating services which can help you to find your perfect Russian man for dating and relationships. The site has more than 25 years of working experience and knows what people expect from online dating: the service is made to be comfortable, user-friendly and easy to understand for anyone regardless of their age, mother tongue or computer skills. Its matching system and the advanced searching algorithm will help you to find the most suitable Russian guy for dating: register and start your journey in the world of online dating on!

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