Dating Thai singles

There are a lot of reasons to like Thailand: it has beautiful nature and wonderful sceneries, which can amaze nearly everyone, excellent weather for tourists, dreaming of white-sand beaches and warm sea, interesting culture and a lot of places of interest for people interested in Thai history. But most of the people who are in love with Thailand would also name the beauty of Thai people. The Thai women are usually thin and petite, with slim healthy bodies, their hair is dark and shiny as their eyes. Their unique and exotic beauty is something that always attracts the local men and the foreigners coming to Thailand and makes them want to experience Asian dating. Dreaming of dating Thai partner is easy, but it’s much harder not only to find a perfect man or woman who would be an ideal companion and partner for dating and relationships but also to win her heart and not to fail everything because of lack of knowledge of Thai culture and traditions.

  • Oakley, 30
    Shanghai, China
  • Jesseca, 29
    Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Irina, 41
    Hostomel, Ukraine
  • 💖Bekky💖, 28
    Lagos, Nigeria
  • Tatyana, 47
    Las Vegas, USA
  • Steven, 31
    Hangzhou, China
  • Yenni , 39
    Medellín, Colombia
  • Adrian Q, 32
    Hangzhou, China
  • Samon, 42
    San Francisco, USA
  • Ysabel, 44
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • ANA MARIA, 24
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Sonja, 28
    Aleksinac, Serbia

Thai women are extremely popular and interesting for men not only because of their gorgeous look but also because of their character. Those ladies are usually considered very soft-speaking, loving, feminine and family-oriented. They are often seen as people of traditional views, who prefer their men to be the heads of the families and give them a lot of freedom to make decisions, spend their free time with friends or doing hobbies. Of course, a lot of those things are just stereotypes or generalizations, and it’s always incorrect to speak about every person of any group in that way. At the same time, some of those qualities are actually true for many Thai women, and that’s why men dream of dating Thai women and having a Thai wife.

Of course, a lot of Thai people would like to date the Westerners too. It might be connected with the fact that a lot of them come to Thailand for business or travel there to stay at luxurious hotels and relax. That creates an image of a perfect Western life, which can be attractive for some women not only in Thailand but also all over the world. Some people are just interested in learning something new and travelling, so they would like to find a partner abroad to help them with the learning of the language or even to become a number one reason to move abroad. Finally, some people just find them attractive and exotic just like many Western people are interested in the Thai.

How you can win a Thai heart

a mixed couple kissing outdoors

As you may see, there are a lot of reasons why a Thai person might be interested in dating a foreigner. That means you’ve got the chance! To win the heart of a Thai you need to know some basic things of what you can and can’t do while dating in Thailand if you don’t want to make a fool of yourself and scare a person away.

Respect her and be gallant

That’s the most basic thing which is somehow forgotten too often. A Thai woman is not only a beautiful girl and great wife material, but she is also a person with her own interests, views, life experience and individuality, so treat her like a human being. Don’t interrupt her, don’t show off and think that you can do anything you want while you have some money in your wallet, don’t be rude and avoid inappropriate jokes or comments. Remember that if a Western girl would dislike something than a Thai girl won’t be impressed as well, because they have no less self-respect than other women in any country. She might be too polite and well-behaved to confront you openly, but you definitely won’t have another date with her.

Even though you might be visiting this country only to enjoy the seasides and spend most of the time lying on a beach with a cocktail in your hand, you need to change clothes and choose something more or less suitable for the date.

Wear appropriate clothes

It’s not appropriate to do out on a date wearing a tank top, shorts and sandals in Western countries, and it’s not appropriate to do that in Thailand as well. Even though you might be visiting this country only to enjoy the seasides and spend most of the time lying on a beach with a cocktail in your hand, you need to change clothes and choose something more or less suitable for the date. You might see a lot of men dressed just like that in Thailand, and most of them are Thai themselves, but remember that they are not allowed to go on a date wearing that suit as well. It’s not only impolite but also shows that a person has no taste and sense of style at all.

Meeting their family is important

Even though it might look like not a big deal for you, it’s considered extremely important for a couple to meet each other’s relatives, and especially for a guy to meet his girl’s parents. In most cases, it might mean that everything is serious and they want to show you to the parents to have their approval. Having a parents’ blessing is essential in Thailand; the locals are extremely anxious about other people’s opinions and they always want to keep their reputation untouched. The same happens with a family reputation, so in Thailand, no marriages or even serious relationships are usually done without the parent’s approval. So if your partner wants you to have dinner with their family - they might be thinking of marriage. Who knows?

Many Thai people know English at least on a basic level, but there are not so many Westerners knowing Thai well. So you need a compromise - or else your relationship will become too boring and complicated pretty soon.

Learn Thai to communicate efficiently

It’s extremely difficult to explain your feelings and emotions to a person who knows your native language poorly, and while speaking about your impressions, attitude or even discussing your favourite movies it can become even impossible to communicate. It might be challenging and even interesting in the very beginning of a relationship, but if you want something more serious - then you both need to think about how to understand each other better. Many Thai people know English at least on a basic level, but there are not so many Westerners knowing Thai well. So you need a compromise - or else your relationship will become too boring and complicated pretty soon.

How you can ruin your chances with them

an asian woman in underwear is checking her phone

Avoid showing your affection on public

Thai people won’t appreciate anyone hugging or kissing them in public - it’s considered immoral and inappropriate in Thailand, where most of the people have pretty conservative views. Even if a person is really into you, they will feel ashamed and embarrassed if you try to kiss them in public transport or on a crowded street during the day. Even though for a Western person it might look pretty innocent, for a Thai person it’s something that looks more like sexual harassment. You can kiss your partner while you’re alone - if they want it too, of course. But don’t hold their hand or show your affection in any other ways publically if you don’t want them to feel ashamed and anxious.

Tiny little details

Even small things like greetings or gestures can be considered rude and impolite in Thailand if you don’t know the local traditions. There is a special greeting which is called “Thai wai” (a little nod while holding your palms like you’re praying), and it will be much more appropriate to greet your date this way than to hug her or - which is even worse - to kiss her on the cheek. Don’t touch her hair - that’s a pretty intimate gesture, and more than that, a lot of women spend a lot of time combing and styling their hair, so don’t spoil it! And of course, don’t put your fork and spoon on the table after having dinner in a fancy restaurant - just simply leave them on the plate. As you may see, there are small details which can spoil the first impression of you, so it’s worth learning about them in advance.

No one wants to look like a lout in a fancy restaurant, especially while being on a date, so learn some good manners before inviting your Thai passion in a restaurant.

Learn how to eat with chopsticks

Don’t forget that in many Thai restaurants there is no knife, which can be not that easy for a Westerner to get used to. More than that, in some places you can’t find any forks or spoons too - most of the traditional Thai food is eaten with chopsticks, so you should learn to eat with them in advance. No one wants to look like a lout in a fancy restaurant, especially while being on a date, so learn some good manners before inviting your Thai passion in a restaurant.

Online dating in Thailand

a portrait of a beautiful asian woman

For many people who are interested in Thai people but have no opportunity to visit the country soon or think that it’s difficult to find new people and start communication with strangers, there is one more option which can help them in finding their love. You can join a Thai dating site and try yourself in online dating with Thai women and men. is one of the best Thai dating sites which can help you to find a perfect partner for you. The service has a working experience of more than 25 years and it knows exactly what people are looking for on dating sites. Many people all over the world have already found their significant others, so now it’s your turn to become happy!

People all over the world choose as their perfect dating site because:

  • It’s comfortable - a user-friendly interface and functions of the service help people to start dating easily. Complete the registration, write a bit about yourself - and you’re ready to find a perfect partner for you;
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  • It’s mobile - you can download an app and continue communication or find new people wherever you are;
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  • It’s global - so you don’t need to limit yourself in looking for an ideal soulmate. Dream bigger and date global!

Choose and get ready to fall in love!

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