Biggest difference between dating in France and America

American and French styles of dating are quite different: the cultural background of the two countries differ a lot, so people have different expectations from their partners and treat them differently. To avoid misunderstandings and disappointments, you can learn more about dating in America and France in advance to decide whether this type of romantic relationship suits you well. Though France is full of a romantic atmosphere and love, it’s not a perfect dating experience for everyone!

  • Pao , 45
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Joie, 35
    Miami, USA
  • Irina, 41
    Hostomel, Ukraine
  • Güicho, 33
    Barcelona, Spain
  • Mia, 47
    Chonqging, China
  • Steven, 31
    Hangzhou, China
  • Antony, 43
    Paris, France
  • George , 28
    Owerri, Nigeria
  • Kseniya, 32
    Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Mehdi, 31
    Los Angeles, USA
  • Dongfang(Vina) , 35
    Shanghai, China
  • AXEL, 36
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Dating French men seems a kind of fairytale. Dating American women is cool too. France seems like a magical country. There is a holiday from dusk to dawn, mimes on the streets, croissants for breakfast, lunch and dinner and the Eiffel Tower just around the corner (each corner in the city). America is the country where all becomes possible - all the dreams come true. How to choose? How to find a partner from your favourite country? Let’s have a look.

Internet Love

a man using his laptop while smiling

Currently, many people on the planet get to know each other through the Internet. We can talk a lot about dating online. Some people think that it is not serious. However, while someone argues about this, dozens and hundreds of young and mature couples have their time together and meet each other around the world.

Many of the relationships that originated in this way, eventually, translate into something more. Thus, it is possible to try. We will think about how to get acquainted correctly on the Internet and for what reasons, after all, the Internet is sometimes considered to be not a serious enough place to meet.

You should be careful while choosing the right site to get acquainted with a potential loved one.

Dating a French man online is much easier than offline if you don’t live in France. It is hard to meet a French man just while walking along a Russian street, you know. However, it’s not easier to find an American boyfriend outside of the states, because they even prefer travelling from state to state more, rather than travelling abroad.

You should be careful while choosing the right site to get acquainted with a potential loved one. provides its users with a unique search system, which allows you to find people according to your tastes and interests. Of course, you can choose the home country of the candidates - then you may choose either America or France, for example.


There are some myths about dating a French man. Do you believe them?

  • Myth number 1: the French are romantic. No. No, no and no. The French are pragmatists. But, please, do not cry: thanks to healthy pragmatism, French men perceive a woman like a princess both before and after the start of relationships;
  • Myth number 2: all French - sissies. There is some truth. Of course, the French men do not sleep on feather beds, surrounded by slaves with fans, but they can hardly beat the regiment themselves. And the lack of hot water for two weeks causes them to panic attacks. They are calm about the fact that there are specially trained people for housework;
  • Myth number 3: the French are great lovers. Also not such a myth, as it turned out. There is no companion’s in taste and colour, but the French are really talented in terms of sex and care about the pleasure of a woman. A satisfied woman is the best compliment for them. In addition, the French do not suffer from complexes in terms of sex and are ready to experiment. So do not hesitate to retell the last erotic dream or talk about secret desires. In response, no one frowns in disgust.

Also there are some facts about American men

a man kissing his girlfriend passionately

Check out on those.

  • Fact number 1: they say they are less dependent on bad habits. Because of so many factors, Americans drink alcohol much less than Russian men. The same situation with smoking. In the US a much smaller number of guys suffer from tobacco addiction than in Ukraine or Russia. Of course, the drugs here are very accessible, and they sometimes abuse it, but fewer people drive drunk while driving. I would also like to note that in prestigious companies, the management does not want to have smokers among the workers, as they spend most of the work on smoke breaks, and their effectiveness falls;
  • Fact number 2: They keep themselves in shape. Going to the gym, doing yoga, switching to a vegan diet is all very familiar to an American guy. It is a hobby for many Americans. In any case, they are better at monitoring their health than regular men. Regular visits to doctors, month-to-month blood tests, regular workouts are always present in the routine of an American man;
  • Fact number 3: They skillfully follow the money. Americans do not rush to pay for a girl on a date, they do not buy expensive gifts at the beginning of the relationship, squander money and buy unnecessary things. From an early age they begin to monitor their budget, as in the USA parents rarely indulge their children with attention;
  • Fact number 4: Keep in mind: they do not rush to create a family. Getting married before the age of thirty is generally considered a bit of a hasty action in the States. It is because the guys study for a long time: school, then college, university... Then they are expected to find a well-paid job. American dream. Only by the age of thirty do Americans get more or less in the rut of life. And when they feel confident, then they create family ties. There is no cliché about when a guy should marry or have children. There is no "too old" or "too young" for this.

To Conclude

a woman sending hearts to the monitor of her laptop

In the modern world it is almost impossible to imagine life without the Internet. We look for work through social networks, communicate with friends, read downloaded books, and learn information from digital sources. Does it make sense to search for love on the Internet? At you may try to find your either American or French love and start dating.

At the moment, dating online will not surprise anyone. Most people spend an enormous amount of time online - try to date online yourself.

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