Dating English singles

England is a country which has so many bright symbols and stereotypes about itself that it has a stable and undeniable place in popular world culture. If you’re not from England, you might associate this country with red telephone boxes, double-decker buses, Big Ben, the Queen, Shakespeare and many other wildly famous things. It’s hard to underestimate its huge influence on many things during history. Even now many tourists all over the world go there to see all those remarkable sights.

  • Joha, 43
    Medellín, Colombia
  • Adriana, 36
    Chicago, USA
  • Güicho, 33
    Barcelona, Spain
  • Leandro, 48
    Brasília, Brazil
  • Adrian Q, 32
    Hangzhou, China
  • Brianna , 30
    Medellín, Colombia
  • Tatyana, 47
    Las Vegas, USA
  • charles, 44
    Chicago, USA
  • Claudia, 45
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Steven, 31
    Hangzhou, China
  • Yenni , 39
    Medellín, Colombia
  • Kimora , 23
    Abuja, Nigeria

England is an amazing place which is considered a homeland of many famous writers, actors, musicians and other talented people from different fields. Whether you’re a Sherlock fan or The Beatles lover, you probably find a lot of inspiration in this country. That’s why many people are so in love with England that they want to move there and to find their English partner for dating and relationships. Though it’s a bit different from dating American women or men, it’s not that hard to find an amazing English partner and to achieve happiness with them.

There are a lot of attractive qualities the Englishmen have: they are smart, witty, they have a unique sense of humour, a very recognizable and attractive accent and charm. If you’re mad about intelligence and charisma and want to get closer to a vibrant British atmosphere, then you need to take the initiative and find your love there!

What you should know about dating English singles

a portrait of a middle-aged man smiling

Every nation has a pack of stereotypes about them which make a rough generalization and create a simple image of a person living there. In most situations, these stereotypes are used humorously and are made just for fun without any goals to offend anyone. Some people are pretty easy-going and laugh with everyone, but some people might feel a bit insulted because of those phrases.

There are a lot of cliches, jokes and assumptions about them, so every person might think they know everything about the Brits and understand them perfectly.

English people are often considered the most stereotypical people in the world. There are a lot of cliches, jokes and assumptions about them, so every person might think they know everything about the Brits and understand them perfectly. At the same time, every educated person knows that stereotypes often have nothing common with reality: all people are different and it’s absolutely senseless to assume that all of them have the same trait of character.

At the same time, knowing some of those cliches and stereotypes can sometimes help people who know very little about English culture to date and communicate with the Englishmen successfully. There are some things about those extraordinary people you might need to know in advance if you want to have a perfect English partner.

Girls can make the first move

Unfortunately for many ladies, there are a lot of English guys who are too reserved and shy to make the first move. In England, it’s not an effective tactic for a girl to play hard-to-get and demonstrate a lack of interest in a guy she actually likes. An Englishman won’t probably try hard to win her attention and to conquer her heart: they prefer to save their time, nerves and pride and not to chase someone who looks really disinterested. That’s why many English women prefer to take the initiative in their hands: it shows they are really independent and motivated to find an attractive single to go out with.

Local guys drink a lot there

It’s considered that date can’t go without booze there. Even though in many countries all over the world people tend to drink alcohol before a date to have some “liquid confidence” or on a date to spend time together with more fun, it’s more like a requisite in the UK. People just assume that dating always requires at least a glass of wine or a cocktail to be complete. In general, drinking culture is pretty strong in different parts of the UK and the locals tend to consume a lot of cider, beer and whiskey in their free time. Ladies drink too, but there is still a big difference in the amount of alcohol between men and women.

People just assume that dating always requires at least a glass of wine or a cocktail to be complete.

No means no

It’s connected not only with Englishmen who don’t like to impose their company and pursue their love interest but also a lot of things there. For instance, if you visit your partner’s house and their mother offers to have dinner with them, there is no point in politely declining the offer if you’re actually hungry. In many countries it’s usually seen as politeness: you say “no, thanks” to be asked again, but it simply doesn’t happen in England. An extremely polite foreigner is going to starve even in a very hospitable English house, so it’s better to be direct with your wishes there.

Take care of yourself

It goes without saying that good hygiene and neat looks are appreciated in every country of the world and looks attractive on anyone. English people take care of themselves as much as the others, even though it might look that they are more relaxed and democratic in their choice of clothes. It might seem that a person walking down the street in an unbuttoned coat and fluttering scarf looks a bit unkempt, but if you look closer you’ll see that it’s just a part of their poetic and laid-back look. They don’t see any necessity in wearing all their jewellery and the best closing every day and feel no need to impress anyone: they live and dress as they want to. Find a balance in careless casual style and neatness and you’ll look like you belong there.

Don’t touch sensitive topics...

It’s considered that some topics are not allowed to be discussed if you don’t want to offend or confuse your companions. People avoid discussing money, religion and politics, especially while speaking with people they are not completely sure about or just don’t know close enough to claim their opinions. While dating people can sometimes speak about sensitive themes like marriage, potential children, work and income, but they usually avoid speaking about weight and some other measures. If you don’t want your potential partner to feel uncomfortable and unconfident, try to avoid these topics as well.

...But be able to debate

At the same time, even if you try not to offend your companion and make the best possible first impression, it doesn’t mean you have to forget about your opinions and views at all. People who don’t have any strict position about anything are often seen as uneducated and dull, so don’t be afraid to have a little debate and disagree. Obviously, debates shouldn’t involve any personal attacks and insults, also don’t be arrogant and ignorant to another person’s opinion. Just use this conversation as an opportunity to know each other better.

Don’t forget that dating is exclusive

Just like in many other countries dating someone means that you give all your attention to one person and don’t date anyone else. Even though some people consider dating far from serious relationships and mostly see it as a friendly way to spend time with an attractive person, in England a person dating a few people at once is seen as a cheater. If you are not sure about a person you’re dating and want to be open for other great opportunities it’s better to end dating first and start something new after that. It’s always better, to be honest, and straightforward if you don’t think you and the other person match well, but don’t use any accusations or offensive comments though.

You don’t need to be funny all day long, but every person has a lot of situations in their life when a bit of humour is very suitable and relevant.

You should have a nice sense of humour

It’s pretty essential for an Englishman to have a good sense of humour. Even though many people think that British humour is very specific and sometimes it’s too subtle, it’s very appreciated in England to understand other people’s jokes and to be able to have a witty comment to any situation. You don’t need to be funny all day long, but every person has a lot of situations in their life when a bit of humour is very suitable and relevant. Don’t bomb your date with witticism and try not to joke at your potential partner offensively - you never know how sensitive a person really is.

Don’t pretend you’re British

Even if you’re a great fan of England and some typically British things, don’t try to pretend you’re British or behave like a typical Englishman. Most of the tropes and stereotypes are just cliches and some of them are not even true so your partner might feel unpleased or even offended after you attempt to mimic the British accent or their way of speaking. Once again, if an English person is interested in dating you, then they don’t expect you to be British when you’re not. Be yourself and tell them about your country’s culture and traditions instead and that will be appreciated.

Learn more about their culture

At the same time, if you know little about British culture and traditions you can ask a person you’re on a date with to tell you about it. There are a lot of interesting and funny aspects of every country which only a person living there might know. Also, it shows your interest and respect for a very important and significant part of their self-identification and proves that you’re not only interested in the physical aspect of relationships.

Be a bit adventurous

To create an attractive contrast between you and the locals who are often rather shy you might demonstrate a playful side of you. There are a lot of women raised on “Doctor Who” dreaming about an adventurous man who comes to their life and brings a bit of extreme and fun to it. Obviously, everything is good in moderation and you don’t need to be crazy to win a person’s heart. Just don’t be dull and show your companion you have enough energy and enthusiasm to be great fun.


It’s an essential rule of dating in every country. Smiling people are considered more open, friendly and attractive by their potential partners. Smile is associated with positivity, optimism, health, attraction and youth, so show your date how much you appreciate them and how glad to be there you are. If your smile is honest and sincere then your partner will definitely smile back!

Find a perfect English partner online

an attractive girl smiling

If you only have plans to go to England one day, but you still want to date an English person, then online dating is the best opportunity to find your soulmate. This approach of meeting new singles is extremely popular nowadays and it’s getting more and more widespread every day. People who have already checked its advantages and understand what they need from online dating admit that it’s the easiest and the most convenient way to find love wherever you are. Also, it’s a great opportunity for people to enjoy dating over 30 comfortably without even leaving their houses. is one of the most popular dating sites not only in the UK but also all over the world. Thousands of new users come there regularly to find their perfect partners and start dating or create stable long-lasting relationships. is the best opportunity to socialize with people from different countries who have the same interests, religion, views and goals. The service understands its users’ needs, so we allow people to sort their potential partners with the help of the perfect searching algorithm based not only on appearance, age and location but also hobbies, relationship goals and perspectives. Whether you want marriage with kids or not, there is always an ideal partner for you wanting the same as you do.

To find your English soulmate you only need to follow some easy steps which will lead you to the exciting world of online dating:

  1. Register on the site. Tell your potential love interest about yourself: who you are? What do you want from a relationship? How do you see your perfect partner? Give honest and truthful answers, because these facts will help the searching engine to find the best potential partner for you. Choose a favourite photo of you and complete the registration;
  2. Let the algorithm do the work! You’ll be shown some suitable attractive singles both locally and all over the world. Choose people you like and click on them to show your interest;
  3. To start communication on people need to match: if both people like each other and are interested in having a conversation, then they can use direct messages on a platform. There are no more uncertainties or misunderstandings: if you know your companion finds you attractive and is interested in you, then it’s always much easier to start talking and flirting. If you prefer to see your potential partner rather than messages then you can use live calls. Communicate, socialize and fall in love!

The world of online dating can sometimes be as difficult as usual dating, but online dating is much faster, more comfortable and effective. There are thousands of people online who want the same as you do - to find their love, so help them find you!

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