Dating single Georgian girls

While girls of the slavic background get a lot of attention from men all over the world, georgian girls are often unjustly forgotten. But they are so beautiful, strong and mysterious, they can win over the heart of any man. If you are eager to date and eventually marry an amazing girl, we will tell you everything about georgian ladies, so that you would be able to find the right approach to them.

  • ANA MARIA, 24
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Steven, 31
    Hangzhou, China
  • Antony, 43
    Paris, France
  • Daniela, 40
    Cologne, Germany
  • Dongfang(Vina) , 35
    Shanghai, China
  • Irina, 41
    Hostomel, Ukraine
  • Joie, 35
    Miami, USA
  • Güicho, 33
    Barcelona, Spain
  • Oakley, 30
    Shanghai, China
  • Tatyana, 47
    Las Vegas, USA
  • 💖Bekky💖, 28
    Lagos, Nigeria
  • Clarissa, 32
    São Paulo, Brazil

Gender roles in Georgia

Georgia is quite a conservative country. Most people here are Christian, but the family structures are very patriarchal, quite similar to what you would find in Middle East and arab countries. Women are expected to be modest and are raised to eventually give birth to children, as many as possible.

While you will see how passionate and sometimes harsh georgian men can be, women here are taught to be shy and reserved. Personal lives of local girls are always under control, with relatives claiming they are doing it for the good of the woman herself. It can be seen especially clearly in rural regions, which are definitely not as progressive as the capital. If you watch the lives of the people in georgian villages and smaller towns, you will be surprised by how outdated their social norms feel.

Personal lives of local girls are always under control, with relatives claiming they are doing it for the good of the woman herself.

Speaking of religion, Orthodox Christianity, which is the main faith here, influences the lives of georgian people a lot. Even the younger generation claims they are religious, although it can be clearly seen that they only follow the rules dictated by the church. Weekly church visits and celebration of all the religious holidays is a great part of georgian culture. Therefore, since people follow religious traditions so much, they believe in the sanctity of marriage. Most georgian girls won’t get physical with the guy they are dating due to religious beliefs, and in the countryside the relatives just won’t let it happen.

Georgians often claim that they are keeping up with the rest of the world and their traditions are rapidly changing. While you can clearly see some differences in gender roles now from what it was ten or twenty years ago, they are still pretty vivid. Sometimes it even feels like double standards - girls are given a certain level of independence in terms of choosing a partner and leading a lifestyle they prefer, but if it doesn’t suit the average norms or the expectations of her family, she will be severely judged and condemned.

beautiful georgian girl at home

Modern georgian girls - what are they like

A georgian girl nowadays is still taught to be a good wife and mother. But alongside these ideals being settled in her head, she is also expected to get a good education and establish a somewhat of a career. You will meet many girls in colleges and universities all over Georgia. They are all eager to make their family proud, so they usually study hard. If you talk to a georgian girl, you will find out how educated and smart she is, being able to support almost any topic you suggest. These women can often start serious dating over 30 because they don’t want to get married earlier.

If you happen to stay in a big georgian city like Tbilisi, you will see a lot of independent young women. They can freely walk around the city and their families don’t control every step. But this is mostly the case for bigger cities, where people get more progressive much faster than in the rural areas, where the influence of traditions is still very clear.

Intercultural relationships are not a surprise nowadays.

Georgia also became quite a welcoming country for foreigners in the past few decades. That being said, intercultural relationships are not a surprise nowadays, with local girls easily dating foreigners. Sometimes their families are not totally approving of that, but there is much more acceptance nowadays towards georgian women dating guys from outside of the country.

charming georgian girl

Georgian girls and relationships

The biggest horror of a georgian girl is being seen as easy. They are taught from the very early age that their modesty is the main treasure, and you will be able to see this easily. The way they look and behave is almost prudish.

When you go out with a georgian girl, you will never see her wearing revealing clothes. It is not a hijab or a rule to cover most of the body, but the clothes are regularly chosen to be very closed. If you don’t pay attention to details, you will probably see very little difference between how georgian and american girls dress, but if you look closer, you will see the shirt all buttoned-up, the skirt reaching the knees. A girl will still look extremely smart and attractive, so don’t let such tiny details put you off.

Georgian girls rarely show any signs they actually like you. If your date feels cold and distant, don’t take it personally. If you date long enough and create strong bonds with your girlfriend, you will find out much more of her amazing personality. But don’t expect too much emotion at the beginning.

Even a kiss on the lips might be a very big step for a georgian girl.

Also, if you come from american or european background, where relationships get physical quite early, leave all of your expectations behind. Even a kiss on the lips might be a very big step for a georgian girl, so don’t wait for it to happen right on the first date. Not to say anything about sexual relationships. These are only allowed for the married to have. Not all georgian girls follow this rule, but you should be at least in a long-term relationship, which will eventually lead to marriage anyways, to get into bed with your girlfriend.

beautiful georgian girl looking out of the window

Parents’ influence

All georgian families care about their reputation a lot. And a lot in this case might mean almost too much. Therefore, the choice of their daughter’s significant other is as important as having a good job or a presentable house. Even local men don’t always get approval of the parents at the very first shot, and if you are a foreigner you will have to deal with months of suspicion before you win their trust.

In georgian culture, relationships develop quite fast. Girls fall for men very easily and they are not afraid to say the “L” word whenever they feel like it. Don’t be too surprised when your girlfriend says she loves you, but you are only dating for a few weeks. And after she said she is in love, it is time for you to meet her parents.

It is very common for georgian people to share everything inside the family, so when you come to finally meet your girlfriend’s parents, they might already know every detail both about you personally and about your relationships with their daughter. Georgian parents are also quite involved in the love matters of their children, so they will be willing to see you often. In case they loved you, it will be because they enjoy spending time with you and are ready to include you into the family circle. And if they don’t, well, probably they just want to control you and make sure everything goes well and you don’t hurt their daughter (otherwise you will be haunted by her father and brothers).

If you want to impress georgian parents, here is some advice for you:

  • Look neat and smart. People here often judge by appearance, so if you wear smart and tidy clothes, you already have half of success in your pocket;
  • Respect the older generation. If your girlfriend lives with a big family, these are not only parents you have to impress, but also aunts, uncles and grandparents;
  • Stick to neutral topics, avoid political discussions or controversies over religion. You will have enough time to discuss it, if you get married, but the first dinner with parents is definitely not the best time to bring up such conversations. Don’t forget to tell about yourself - her parents want to know you as a person to make sure their girl is in the right hands.

attractive georgian girl

How to meet a georgian girl

There are a few bulletproof ways to get acquainted with a georgian girl:

  • Through friends. This is definitely the longest way of all, but you will not only get a girlfriend, but also trusted pals for life. When you make friends with georgian people, it doesn’t take long to get invited to their group. There are definitely some amazing girls among these people;
  • Through work or studies. It is also one of the most common ways to get to know new people. While you might not instantly discover common interests, you will definitely have the ability to spend a lot of time together and get to know each other better;
  • Through relatives. Yes, sometimes relatives might want you to get acquainted with the nephew of their cousin. While this sounds restrictive, it might be actually a good idea - at least you wouldn’t know if it was if you don’t try it.

Online dating

Although Georgia is not the most progressive country in many aspects, online dating here is still thriving, especially among the younger generation. If you register on a dating website, you will find dozens of georgian girls looking for a partner or at least an interlocutor. And who knows where your conversation leads. is one of the most popular dating platforms all over the world, including Georgia, and here is why:

  • It is totally safe to use, which is one of the most important criteria for many people. If you know your data is protected and there are no scammers on the website, you are much more likely to relax and enjoy meeting new people. does everything possible to protect its users, which is why so many georgian people register here in order to find love;
  • There are plenty of people here. Another concern oftentimes is that you won’t be able to find many people from your region. You definitely don’t have to worry about this, as database includes thousands of girls from Georgia;
  • It is convenient. The interface is so simplistic, you won’t spend any time at all getting used to it. You can both enjoy online dating from a personal computer or a laptop or through a mobile device - in the latter case you just need to download an application.

There are also no lengthy procedures on the way to finding your love. Just a few steps - and you are ready to meet the perfect georgian girl:

  1. Start with creating your own profile. Log in using an email or through any social media account you already have. Then, you have to fill in the profile in order to give potential dates some impression of yourself. There are already suggested fields you can fill with the information about yourself, but you can also get creative with the profile bio and include anything you want to tell your potential partner about;
  2. Upload a few pictures. It is not obligatory, but it is definitely much more pleasant to communicate with a person who you can imagine visually. And transferring to the real world after dating online will be much simpler, since you already know each other’s appearance and are not afraid of meeting someone strange;
  3. Customize the searching system and get a list of the most compatible individuals. You can choose any settings you prefer so that you won’t waste your time on someone you won’t actually like. Scroll through the profiles and message the girls you like the most.

And it is as simple as that! Thousands of successful love stories prove, that is the perfect resource for finding a life partner. Don’t miss your chance!

beautiful smiling georgian girl

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