3 tips on turkish dating

Whether you’re a Turkish person looking for someone who shares your culture and values or a person who wants to find a Turkish partner for dating and serious relationships, online dating can help you a lot. Most people go online to find new friends and love because online dating has already become one of the most popular ways of getting acquainted with new potential partners. Learn more about dating Turkish singles to understand their culture and customs better: it’s not always easy to understand a person who belongs to another culture but it doesn’t mean you can’t truly love each other!

  • LUCIANA, 29
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Samy, 35
    California City, USA
  • Mia, 47
    Chonqging, China
  • Yenni , 39
    Medellín, Colombia
  • Güicho, 33
    Barcelona, Spain
  • Adrian Q, 32
    Hangzhou, China
  • ANA MARIA, 24
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Joie, 35
    Miami, USA
  • Julián, 37
    Colombia, Colombia
  • Antony, 43
    Paris, France
  • Steven, 31
    Hangzhou, China
  • Sonja, 28
    Aleksinac, Serbia

Dating as a Turkish single has various pitfalls. You definitely want your partner to be accepting of the culture you grew up in. And if they happen to also be from Turkish background - it will just be perfect and the base for building strong and loving relationships will already be laid. There are lots of dating customs and traditions in Turkey you should be aware of - and it’s totally worth it.

As a person of Turkish origin, especially living in a different country rather than your homeland, you might face the difficulty of meeting a compatible partner worthy to become a life companion. In that case, there are several options you can use to break the deal. We are eager to help everybody get into a loving and understanding relationship, so we prepared some advice for Turkish dating which will help you finally be happy.

a couple in traditional turkish outfits

Respect your heritage

Obviously, it is not possible to act exactly as people did decades ago, because the times have changed and you need to adopt modern tendencies in order to successfully integrate into society.

Even though Turkey is known for being a country that adopted many European patterns, dating in Turkey is still a thing that respects traditions from ages ago. If you value the customs of your region and are eager to preserve them for future generations, our advice is to look for a partner who is accustomed to them as well.

Obviously, it is not possible to act exactly as people did decades ago, because the times have changed and you need to adopt modern tendencies in order to successfully integrate into society. But traditionally courting a woman, respecting her parents’ opinion as well as putting the well-being of your family first is never a bad idea.

a beautiful couple hugging each other and posing together

Relationship doesn’t mean sacrifice

Though common interests are important, separate development also strengthens relationships.

Clearly, as a person from the twenty-first century you have a whole life you want to continue leading regardless of your marital status. We think it is great that you still have your own ambitions - it makes you a person interesting for a partner. Though common interests are important, separate development also strengthens relationships.

We also believe that in order to find a partner you are not necessarily obliged to have a lot of spare time. There are enough opportunities nowadays for building a bond between two partners without rejecting vital parts of yourself.

a beautiful Turkish couple cuddling and posing romantically

Turkish online dating

For singles from Turkey seeking love we strongly advise using a Turkish dating website. It will save your time and give you awesome opportunities. Here are some benefits of using the Internet for Turkish dating:

  • It is simple and accessible. The only thing you need for online dating is a device with an Internet connection. After choosing a site or app to use, it will always be on hand and texting your partner will become easier than ever;
  • You meet awesome people who are not so easy to find in real life. There are various obstacles that prevent two individuals from meeting: busy work schedules, living in different parts of the city, going to different places though doing the same things. Starting the search of a partner online, you get acquainted with the locals, who appear to be interesting people but somehow never come across you in real life;
  • Search for a partner worldwide. Wherever you are, it is finally possible to stop worrying about being alone because there is no person who can relate to your experience nearby. With Turkish dating sites, there is always a chance to meet a compatible partner regardless of the place you are in. Things you should know about Turkish dating:
  • They will do everything that you felt like one of them: they will invite you, they will lead you to a local restaurant and will meet your friends;
  • Respect their faith, religious rites, diet and attitude to alcohol;
  • Do not criticize them directly. It is especially not worth talking about their faith, family or loved ones;
  • Do not call the Turks Arabs and do not ask them to speak Arabic. These are two completely different cultures;
  • Their nationalism is very developed, they adore their country, religion and culture;
  • Try not to say anything bad about national symbols and the presidency. Even kindly.
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