Dating Vietnamese singles

For every person interested in Asian dating, dating the proper Vietnamese way is quite an important thing. Just like any other country, Vietnam has its own dating traditions, which have become more modern yet still can seem quite conservative. Especially if you are an outsider, you should learn quite a bit of what concerns local dating culture, if you want to succeed in dating Vietnamese men and women.

  • Elena, 37
    Los Angeles, USA
  • Julia, 29
    São Paulo, Brazil
  • Oakley, 30
    Shanghai, China
  • Han Zhongyi, 52
    Shandong, China
  • Sofía Vargas , 26
    Mexico City, Mexico
  • Zah, 40
    Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  • Antony, 43
    Paris, France
  • Francisco Javier, 27
    Medellín, Colombia
  • Güicho, 33
    Barcelona, Spain
  • Yenni , 39
    Medellín, Colombia
  • Sonja, 28
    Aleksinac, Serbia
  • Tatyana, 50
    Bender, Moldova

There are some very strict rules all Vietnamese couples tend to share, but at the same time, as always, there are many exceptions, especially among the younger Vietnamese generation.

When it comes to foreigners dating Vietnamese singles, it is a whole different issue. The more the world develops, the more cross-cultural couples can be met in Vietnam. Most oftenly, though, these couples include a Vietnamese man and a foreign woman, but there are exceptions to this rule as well.

The more the world develops, the more cross-cultural couples can be met in Vietnam.

If you are new to Vietnamese culture but want to try dating local individuals, you should be prepared. We gathered the most useful information about dating in Vietnam and suggest you to study it before plunging into the world of Vietnamese dating.

What’s dating a Vietnamese girl like

Before you start dating Vietnamese women, let’s discover some things about their personalities and specific traits:

  • On the contrary to the girls from western cultures, Vietnamese ladies won’t try to hide their true self. It doesn’t mean that girls from, say, Europe are liars, but in western culture it is much more common to be reserved and present some kind of an ideal self to potential dates. There is also a quite widespread western tendency to hide emotions, which is reflected in unsuccessful relationships, since partners just can’t understand each other. But when it comes to Vietnamese women, they are very transparent and open with their partners. And you can clearly understand that something goes wrong if you see your partner lying or hiding something from you;
  • Being so open with their significant others, Vietnamese girls expect the same treatment in return. Some important qualities they look for in a partner are honesty and loyalty. If you have none of those features, your relationships won’t probably last long. Be sure to tell your girlfriend how you feel and if something doesn’t feel right - suggest to discuss it. It is absolutely normal to have a conversation about both of your feelings;
  • If you want your relationship to look like the ones in american movies, Vietnamese girls can provide you with such an experience. They are quite emotional and expect a man to behave like a gentleman. At the same time, they can provide you with some relationship drama, especially at early stages of dating. There will be some of her exes appearing now and then as well as some jealousy involved, especially if you have female friends around you. Before you get married, your relationships will probably remind you of a soap opera. It is not the worst thing, but just be aware of such possibility if you get into relationships in Vietnam;
  • Vietnamese women tend to test their potential dates in many ways. They want to be sure you have serious intentions and are not afraid of commitment. Some ladies come up with excuses to avoid seeing you for a while - this way they make sure you are persistent enough to win over their heart. Others throw temper tantrums, again, to make sure you can deal with their emotional level. Even though this sounds ridiculous and unpleasant, don’t be mad at your girlfriend doing all of this stuff. She’ll just get convinced you actually want to be with her and calm down;
  • If all the previous features threw you off a bit, there is something which might satisfy you in dating a Vietnamese girl - you should remember that she is actually a family person. Traditionally, women in Vietnam focus on house and family matters, so if your relations turn out to be serious, you can be sure you are getting an amazing wife and a great mother for future children. She will be extremely loyal and devoted and do everything possible to keep the family together;
  • Vietnamese women are actually very educated and smart. They tend to get a degree at university, which makes them great professionals and just overall interesting people to talk to. Don’t think they are just typical girls because of their behaviour. When you get to know a local girl better, you’ll discover much more than beautiful appearance and bold and passionate character.

a portrait of a serious asian man

How to date Vietnamese men

Speaking of dating a man from Vietnam, these are the main things you should remember:

  • They are family-oriented. This both considers their current relatives and the family you will possibly make in the future. They are very loyal to their parents and keep family bonds tight throughout their whole life. It is very unusual for a Vietnamese man to have no connection with his parents. But speaking of your own family - if you get married and have children, a Vietnamese guy will make your life amazing. He will be caring and attentive and help with the house and kids - what else a woman can ask for?
  • They are responsible. There is no way a Vietnamese guy will start a relationship and then disappear. If they took the responsibility of being together with somebody, they will carry on until you get married or break up. But this is translated to the other spheres of life as well. A Vietnamese guy is reasonable and rational. He doesn’t make any decisions in a hurry, which means he won’t regret anything or step back because the wrong choice was made;
  • They can be a bit boring. But this usually goes away with time. Though first dates with a Vietnamese guy can be more formal and distant than what you would expect from dating a european man. They won’t suggest discussing any topics which might feel personal neither will they attempt to get physical on the first dates. Even though you might be used to getting a kiss as a sign of a successful first date, with Vietnamese guys you’ll have to deal with a little more formality and a slow speed. Lots of locals also tend to start serious dating over 30 because of their formal approach.

a beautiful asian woman posing in a long black skirt

Vietnamese dating traditions

Other dating customs in Vietnam include:

  • Distinguished gender roles. Men and women in Vietnam have very specific roles in couples and families. You can’t expect a Vietnamese man to be extremely courting and romantic, but they definitely stand their ground and take the role of the family breadwinner. For some people such an approach might sound a bit too conservative, but these are just the realities of Vietnamese life. That being said, it is considered extremely offensive to suggest sharing the bill to your man. Going dutch should be left in Europe, in Vietnam a man is always the one to pay for the date, and they can even get into an argument about it;
  • Making the first move is also laid on the male shoulders. This is the man who suggests the place to visit or the cafe to have dinner at. This is the man who meets you at your place and offers to see each other again. You’ll have to get used to the man organizing your dates and approaching you;
  • The best place for the first date is somewhere public. This means a cafe, a park or some kind of a social event. And actually, going to the movies on the first date is considered kind of inappropriate in Vietnam. Though younger couples don’t consider this as an important rule to follow, some traditional people would not think this is a good choice. Being together in the dark with a person you just started to know is thought to be a bit shameful and suspicious. Wait for the guy to make this suggestion, or you might be considered too easy;
  • No public affection should be shown. Such things as kissing, hugging, grabbing a girl by her shoulder are thought to be very disrespectful. If a man does this, he will ruin the reputation of both his and your families. Just wait for your relationships to develop, and when you will be left alone and away from the public eye, you’ll get everything you missed before;
  • It is important for the Vietnamese people to get their partners approved by the family. People in Vietnam tend to ask their dates over quite early in the relationships, but this is just to introduce them to the family and get the approval of the parents. Some people even invite their parents to the very first date, which is very unusual for foreigners. The main advice here is just to be yourself and relax - pretending you are someone you aren’t won’t lead you to success and soon will be revealed. Just be polite and respect the traditions. But if the parents actually like you, prepare yourself for multiple family gatherings and holidays.

an attractive asian businessman checking his phone while sitting in his car

Vietnamese online dating - everything you should know

Even though Vietnam is quite a conservative country, online dating here exists and blooms, just like anywhere else in the world. People here are also busy in their daily life and sometimes too shy to approach people at social events, which is why they come to Vietnamese dating sites to find a way to diversify their love life.

Though many people now meet their partners on one or the other Vietnamese dating site, it is still not very common to talk about it openly. It is not inappropriate, but some conservative people don’t like the idea of individuals coming to the internet with one particular purpose of finding the partner. But the younger generation is totally accepting of online dating. Guys and girls who are busy with their school or job look at online dating just as if it has always been a part of their daily life.

Vietnamese singles also love to communicate online in general. If you have a partner, you are supposed to maintain communication daily, regardless of you being busy. So various dating sites and messengers solve this problem easily, allowing you to text your partner wherever you are - just a mobile phone and internet connection needed.

Guys and girls who are busy with their school or job look at online dating just as if it has always been a part of their daily life.

Some people might think that Vietnamese singles behave very clingy and needy. But they are used to excessive signs of attention and constant communication. It is totally normal for a guy to ask his girlfriend to put a phone with a video call next to her while she is working - they consider it very romantic to do something together while being distant. And this is a great way to keep the relationships going if both you and your significant other are quite busy.

Vietnamese singles regularly come to the dating sites to find the love of their life. They don’t want to date around and see multiple people before making a decision. If your interlocutor suggests seeing each other in real life, they are probably really fond of you. All of these means that Vietnamese dating sites serve the main purpose of finding a love companion. Vietnamese singles want their future partner to be like-minded in most spheres of life, to share the same interests and needs. Many of them have very precise desires about their future significant other. Using a Vietnamese dating app or site, it is very simple to meet somebody who fully corresponds with the criteria you set.

an asian businessman is checking his phone outdoors while drinking his coffee

Choose for dating Vietnamese singles

Among other dating platforms, is worth special attention and here is why:

  • There are many success stories about people who met at Since the time it was launched in 1993, thousands of couples have met and built relationships through this platform;
  • There is a big pool of individuals registered at You can find a person from anywhere in the world here, which makes Vietnamese online dating especially pleasant - there are always compatible partners from your area;
  • There is a convenient searching system which allows you to find the people who meet your criteria precisely. You can choose any traits you want, from appearance to education level, from hobbies to character features. All of these offers you a choice among the people who are proven to suit you;
  • There is a great security system on the website. When it comes to safety, it is one of the biggest concerns people have while choosing a dating platform. But takes all the necessary precautions to ensure total security for all of its users. At the same time, if you think it is not enough, you can read the guidelines the administration of created to help its members to stay extra secure.

Using is very simple as well:

  1. Register on the website. You will need an email or a social media account to log in with;
  2. Fill in your profile. You need to do this in order to allow your possible dates to learn more about yourself. Describe yourself as a person, fill in all the suggested fields, add everything you think a potential partner might need to know about you;
  3. Upload some pictures. Appearance is one of the most important things people judge by when it comes to choosing a partner. Pick a few of the recent pictures, but don’t overdo photoshop - if you finally meet in real life, the disappointment might be very hard;
  4. Fill the searching system. Set all the necessary parameters and start the search of an ideal partner. The system will consider all the criteria you chose and give you a selection of the most compatible members;
  5. Start messaging. Look through the profiles and don’t hesitate to send the first message if you like somebody. It may be the start of a true romantic adventure.

Give a shot and you will see why so many people choose it as the main dating platform. Thousands of compatible individuals from Vietnam are already waiting for you - just a few steps required before you can meet the love of your life. It is proven by time, that people manage to find their love on the dating website, and is here to help you do this, regardless of where you are and the demands you have. There is someone there for you for sure!

an attractive asian woman posing with a lollipop

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