Dating single divorced guys

Though lots of people see love and relationships as the most valid and important thing in life, there are lots of cases when the marriage goes wrong - so lots of people decide to divorce. There can be lots of reasons to do so: people’s incompatible characters, their personal peculiarities, cheating or lies - all these things can result in a breakup. Though in most cases divorce is a painful experience, there are some cases when both partners want to divorce and they even manage to stay friends after all - but it’s not a very common thing.

  • Steven, 31
    Hangzhou, China
  • Clarissa, 32
    São Paulo, Brazil
  • LUCIANA, 29
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Antony, 43
    Paris, France
  • Yenni , 39
    Medellín, Colombia
  • Tatyana, 47
    Las Vegas, USA
  • Zah, 40
    Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  • Joie, 35
    Miami, USA
  • Samy, 35
    California City, USA
  • ANA MARIA, 24
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Dongfang(Vina) , 35
    Shanghai, China
  • Güicho, 33
    Barcelona, Spain

Regardless of the reasons which caused their divorce, people often want to try once again and to have new relationships which can be more healthy and successful: it usually takes time to heal their wounds and to think over lots of things in people’s lives, but then they often start to see in colours again. That’s a good time to start dating someone else: there are often lots of women interested in dating divorced men and there are some reasons for that. Dating a divorced guy can have lots of advantages which can help you to create a stable and long-lasting relationship with him, but you need to know a few things about it in advance.

What you should know about dating divorced guys

a mature man smiling while sitting in office

We all make mistakes: while some divorced people claim that their biggest mistake was to deal with their exes, the others feel guilty about what they’ve done to break their marriages. In both cases, our past is less important than the lessons we learned from it: even if a person failed once, it’s not a reason to claim them for the rest of their lives. Also, being divorced often means that a person has lots of experience and is quite familiar with many things connected with relationships which can also turn them into a great partner - and that’s something which can improve their next relationships a lot.

Being divorced often means that a person has lots of experience and is quite familiar with many things connected with relationships which can also turn them into a great partner.

Nowadays people don’t have strict rules which allow them to marry only once in life: people can marry and divorce a few times until they meet someone they really like. That’s why dating a divorced guy is something which is pretty acceptable for most women: it’s completely fine to date one, but there are a few things you should know in advance:

  • Some guys can lie about real reasons which caused their divorce. Though it’s very hard to find out the truth anyway, be careful with a man who always blames his ex-wife in their divorce: if he can’t stop scolding her without mentioning any detail about what happened right after they decided to divorce, then it might be a red flag for you. A man whose ex-wife cheated on him is usually pretty straightforward about that - when his wounds are healed, of course - because he doesn’t feel like he should cover the truth. At the same time, there are guys who blame themselves for their ex-wives’ adultery - and that can be a great witness of a man telling the truth. But it’s always better to listen to him with a grain of salt: regardless of reasons it requires time to know the person better;
  • His ex-wife can appear in his life sometimes - especially if they have children. Be ready for her presence in his life: whether they have lots of common friends or kids who spend their time with one of their parents from time to time, there’s a high probability to meet her - and maybe not even once. Don’t become jealous: they have already decided to stop their relationship and came through their divorce, so she’s not a competitor by any means;
  • A divorced man often doesn’t want to marry again. It’s easy to understand that there are lots of men who were traumatized by their divorces and find it very difficult to trust anyone again: they remember that their previous marriage went wrong, so they prefer not to risk it once again. There are also lots of men who don’t want any new relationships whatsoever: a woman interested in dating a divorced guy should give him time to get used to her presence and to show him that she’s reliable and loyal enough to try once again;
  • A recently divorced guy needs time before he can date someone again. Though there are lots of guys who try to start new relationships as soon as they become divorced or even separated, it’s usually a sign that they just try to make their ex-wives jealous or they want to fill the hole inside them. In both cases, these guys are not really ready for new relationships because they still think of their ex-partners most of their time: these rebound relationships often end pretty quickly because partners know that divorced men only kill their loneliness with them. Give him some time to grieve and to understand what he really wants - there’s no need in hurrying things up;
  • His children will always be in the first place. Even if a guy has divorced his wife, he didn’t automatically reject his children: they are probably still very important and loved by him. It’s a good thing to know that your man is a good father, but remember that in most cases he’d choose them over you, and that’s a thing you should deal with. The end of his marriage doesn’t mean the end of all his previous life, so learn to accept him with all his past.

Meet a divorced guy for dating and relationships on

a couple smile while looking in each other’s eyes

A woman interested in dating a divorced guy has lots of opportunities to meet one of them: it can be her acquaintance or her friend’s friend, it can be one of her colleagues or even one of her friend’s exes. Divorced men often avoid dating their acquaintances because they dislike people spreading rumours about them: some people can gossip about other people’s relationships and fulfil them with lots of detail from their imagination which can create a negative image of a person in people’s eyes. That’s why it’s often hard to date a divorced man you know well” you two probably have lots of mutual friends and acquaintances which he would like to avoid.

Divorced men often avoid dating their acquaintances because they dislike people spreading rumours about them.

But there’s another great opportunity which can help you to meet a divorced man of your dreams for dating over 30 and relationships: online dating has become a great success for people of different ages and interests living all over the world. People who have experienced a painful and unpleasant breakup in their past prefer avoiding potentially traumatic relationships in the future, so they often prefer safe and sure ways of meeting new people and knowing more about them like online dating. Lots of great single guys are online and looking for love - you just need to find them. is the best service for people who want to find love: there are thousands of users online who have different ages, interests, hobbies, views and goals, so you can always find the most suitable partner for you to build stable and healthy relationships with them. With the help of the matching system and the searching algorithm you can find your significant other and build your happiness with him on

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