How to Impress Your Girlfriend – Best Tips for Men

Many people strive to find their happiness, it's a key point in life for them. For a lot of people, such happiness lies in true and mutual love. The best thing about romantic love is the positive energy it gives. Falling in love is one of the best natural dope we have. In some way, deep and sincere love is a stronger emotional experience than sexual attraction. It is good for our health too.

Love inspires, ennobles, stimulates, moves every inch in us. The highest form of love is love between two like-minded people, two people who share views on work, career, education, humanity, nature, relations between people, art, sport, right and wrong. Surely it does not mean that you and your partner have to be the same in everything. You can be very different, but also comparable and attentive to each other. This is romantic love — an ideal for many, seemingly so familiar and at the same time so incomprehensible.

  • Zah, 40
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    Barcelona, Spain
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    Okpo, Nigeria
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Some people think that this beautiful dream belongs only to women. Well, such people are deeply wrong, living in the delusion that only a woman wants to find her beloved man, build a loving and lasting relationship with him, allowing them to create a truly happy family. In fact, for men, a family, and a loving and supporting partner nearby are almost the primary desire in life, just not everyone recognizes this and, moreover, demonstrates it to the world. Winning a girl is a challenge and you need to know how to win it. So the tips below are for you.

The ability to interest a person is a very important skill in our world, where sometimes there is simply no time for unnecessary conversations, and the first impression is very important. The right deep look and a few correct body movements can help to win there, where a lot of people fail. So how do you actually impress a girl? We’re all different and people raised in different cultures react to things differently: for instance, dating American women is different from dating French ladies in many ways. Well, the perfect art of conquering a girl’s heart lies in the simple fact that it can't be hit with something fake or unoriginal. First of all, be yourself and stay sincere, it will be a great help in a journey to a beautiful and long-lasting romance.

a couple taking a selfie outside together

Make her feel special

Give her a unique compliment. If you want a girl to immediately feel special and let you inside her heart, then you need to make her feel that you see something more in her than just a target for flirting. Let her know that you think she is unusual, talk about her unique characteristics, something in her look, in her speech, in the way she sees the world. Tell her she has amazing freckles, a good sense of humor, a fantastic laugh, or the most incredible sense of style you've ever seen.

  • Don't rush to tell her that she is simply beautiful or gorgeous. While this is a nice compliment, if you rush with it, she may feel like you're being overly insistent or insincere. Creativity is your best shot.
  • In your first or second conversation, try to subtly compliment her to let her know that you really saw her as a person and not just like any other girl.
  • You can also make a compliment to different aspects of her personality. Don't be limited to superficial things.

Take the time to truly listen to her. This is different from every few minutes when she asks if you are listening to her. Pay attention to the little details.

Ask questions about her. Most people like to talk about themselves when they are given a chance. If you want a girl to feel special, ask her a few questions about her life and her thoughts. But keep the balance, you are on a date, but not on a job interview. Just asking some personal, but not intrusive, questions will really show her that you are interested. Here are some topics to talk about:

  • ”Who are her closest friends, how they have fun?”;
  • ”Does she have any pets, if so, is there any funny story following?”;
  • ”Does she have brothers and sisters, what is her best memory related to them?”;
  • ”What are her favorite films, bands, books?”;
  • ”Does she have any hobby or favorite sport?”;
  • ”Where does she work or where she studies, what is best about it, why she has chosen it?”.

Ask for her opinion. Ask her what she thinks about everything from your new shoes to her musical preferences. Don't ask questions that might spark a dispute, stay away from politics, or any other sensitive issue, like a religion for example. But don’t rush to interrupt her if she starts such a conversation. Do your best to stay polite and open-minded. She has a right to have her own point about anything and it’s not up for a huge debate even if you disagree. Just share your views and move one to the next topic.

  • If you go to a movie, ask her what she really wants to see. When you go out, you should ask her what she would like to do.
  • If you give her a lift and listen to music, ask, "What would you like to listen to today?"
  • If you are close enough and are going to make a vital decision — always ask her opinion, do not make decisions without first specifying what is best for both of you, because now you are together.

Take the time to truly listen to her. This is different from every few minutes when she asks if you are listening to her. Pay attention to the little details, from what she really thinks of her friend Stephanie to her favorite sweaters. Sure, you can get distracted from time to time, but you will be on top the next time her friend Stephanie is mentioned or when you are in a sweater shop together; if you remember what she said earlier, she will be really impressed with your attentiveness.

  • By truly listening to her, you also make it clear that you are as interested in her mind as you are in her body.
  • By listening to her carefully, you can get an idea of ​​what she loves and dislikes, so you can give her a nice and meaningful gift when the time comes.

alt: an asian couple relaxing at home together

Be a gentleman. If you want to impress a girl, then you definitely need to be a gentleman. You shouldn't be pushing or trying to do something that doesn't fit with your personality, but if you want her to feel amazing next to you, you have to make her feel like a lady. To be a gentleman, you have to treat a girl with respect, be kind and affectionate, and let her feel your attention to her, as well as on an anniversary date, or just over a cup of coffee in the morning. Here are some other things you can do:

  • When you pick her up for a date, don't just wait in the car and honk. Go up and knock on her door. When she gets into the car, open the door for her.
  • Open the doors in front of her and move the chair for her. Always let her go ahead of you.
  • Ask from time to time if she is comfortable. Is it too cold or too hot? Offer her your jacket or hang her coat.
  • Always start a date with a compliment. She was getting ready, so tell her she looks beautiful, amazing, stunning, try to pay attention to her hair or wonderful earrings, to the way she combined her shirt with shoes.

Ask about her hobbies. Surely you don’t need to become obsessed with yoga or follow her like a dog every Saturday in the farmers market. It means that you should take an interest in some of the things she loves to do, and subtly ask about her passion for it. If she enjoys writing poetry or drawing, ask where you could see some of her poems and paintings. If she is going to read a book tonight and asks if you would like to join, answer yes, then you will have a nice opportunity for a discussion. Also, don’t hide your favorite things from her. There should be no sexism like “oh, I love videogames, girls don't understand such things”. Actually, they do, so there is a chance to find a partner not only in love but in playing Mortal Combat together.

a girl using her phone and smiling

Don’t be afraid of eye contact. This is one of the most underrated tricks to make a girl feel truly one of a kind. When she talks to you, look her in the eyes. It may seem quite obvious, but you'd be surprised at the number of guys who barely make eye contact with a girl, either because they're too shy or too busy looking at their cell phones to truly pay attention to their girl's eyes.

  • This does not mean that you have to be creepy and constantly look in her face, looking for a secret of eternal life. But when she is talking to you and you are actually listening, look into her eyes to show that you care.
  • Eye contact is easier if you are genuinely interested in your girlfriend's feelings. If you look past her face, you may not be able to notice in time that she is upset or worried.

Make her feel loved

Show your feelings all the time. While you may think that your girlfriend already knows about your love because you tell her from time to time, it is not enough. Just keep saying that you love her can turn into a routine. You always feel so much more, love can turn into tenderness, care, passion, any other emotion. And your loved one will be glad to hear what she put into your heart today. You don't have to hug her or hold her hand all the time (you might be surprised to find out that many girls don't like this), but you should give her enough gestures of attention to make her feel loved. Being sensitive and able to understand the appropriate moment to do something is a skill lots of people gain only while dating over 30 but sometimes it’s something people are naturally gifted with. Here are some things you can do:

  • If you come to the movies, then hold her hand, at least part of the movie, if she likes it.
  • If you're on the couch together, remember to cuddle with her to make her feel special.
  • If you speak and she is upset, place your hand on her knee, hold her hand to let her feel warm and safe with you.
  • Don’t wait for a special occasion to speak about your feelings, learn how to express them daily.

Support her. There are a lot of ways to show the girl that she is important to you, that she means something, and support is the best one. She needs to feel you on her side while watching her play football, and by being with her after her grandmother's death. Love is not always just fun and joy, life can put both of you into a huge amount of sorrows, so staying together makes your relationships stronger. Do your best to be with your girlfriend when she needs you.

  • If she really does sports, attend her games when you can, at least remember to ask how things went.
  • If she's going to have a tough exam, help her prepare, or support her by bringing her lunch or offer to do some nice little things for her while she studies.
  • If she's having a busy week at work, calm her down. Help her relax by preparing a pleasant evening and do not raise any serious issues during this time.
  • If she is just not in a mood, don’t make her act like everything is fine. Her troubles matter as much as yours, so show her that you love her no matter what.

Take time for romance. If you sincerely want your girlfriend to feel loved, you must have a plan for unusual dates, for new ways to surprise your loved one. If you want to win her heart, then you can't just be Casanova for the first three weeks and then tell her that Sunday is sports day forever. Make sure you have weekly dates, there is no need to go out, it is more important just to spend time together. Romance doesn't have to mean red wine, candles, and chocolate. It just means taking the time to show you sympathy for each other.

Love is not always just fun and joy, life can put both of you into a huge amount of sorrows, so staying together makes your relationships stronger.

Let her know what you think of her when you are not around. If you want her to feel loved, then you have to let her see what you think of her, even if you are not together at the moment. Send her a message asking how she feels, is she okay, does she need anything. Don't bother her ten times a day if you don't want to seem annoying, but if you start dating seriously, don't let a day go without a quick phone call or text. There are plenty of messengers, so you have a lot of ways to show her your love. While it's important for her to see how much you care when you're together, it's equally important for her to know that she is not alone when you're separated.

a young couple kissing together on a beach

Do the nice little things for her. Yes, big sweeping gestures like human-size teddy bears or a diamond necklace can show her your sympathy, it is mostly bragging. Sweet gestures and other little things can do the same. It might not be as glamorous when you bring her groceries when she's in trouble when you fix a broken table leg in her living room or go to the vet with her when her kitten is sick, but these are the things that will bring her to thinking, "wow, he really cares about me".

Be spontaneous. While dating, walking, and going to the movies can help build affection, meaningful and healthy relationships, that doesn't mean they'll always be fun. Do spontaneous things sometimes. Make an effort not to do the expected and common thing all the time, and she will love hanging out with you even more.

Organize a casual weekend trip to a place you've never been to before. Try food from a country you've never even heard of. New experience with an inch of surprise will totally make your love stronger and give you some shared memories. And don't underestimate the spontaneous hug, kiss, or compliment.

Be adventurous. If you want to conquer a girl, then you must bring adventure and excitement into her life. This does not mean that you have to jump with a parachute or climb Everest, it means that you have to stick to your path and do interesting things, pushing each other out of your comfort zones, and do things that you never intended. All the innovations that you bring into her life will keep the girl's adrenaline level, she will be delighted with your relationship.

  • This could mean running a marathon together, trying to scuba dive, or even learning a new language.
  • When a new task is presented, you need to mentally say yes, instead of the word no and come up with all sorts of reasons why this would not be a good idea.
  • Let her come up with some crazy activity, show her that you are ready to try it with her.

Maintain your independence. While you may think that maintaining your independence has nothing to do with subduing a girl, it is not quite true. If you want her to feel your love and affection, you must allow her to be herself and do her usual things from time to time. She will be amazed that you are not an owner or a jealous person who wants to be around all the time, and this will please her even more. If you both have separate friends and interests and relationships with people that don't overlap, your relationship will grow stronger when you spend time together.

Don't see her as a prize. After you have conquered her heart, the journey isn’t over. You might think that everything is going great anyway and that there is no need to continue making your girlfriend special and loved — and you would be completely wrong. You need to keep the relationship flaming if you don't want her to lose interest and passion. Bring her flowers, keep praising her, and come up with new activities you can do together, hike, or learn to cook to keep the time together amazing and full of equal hunger for each other. If you have already reached the “I love you” phase, make sure to say this at least once a day to keep showing your feelings.

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