Dating single English men

Whether you’re into famous British actors or just want to move to England and find love there, the country has lots of single gentlemen that can impress you with their cute accents and witty British humour. If you want to find a real English man who’s interested in dating or even having serious relationships, then use online dating services: these platforms can help you to meet people who can become your perfect partners for life. Learn more about English dating customs and habits in advance to know what to expect!

  • Yenni , 39
    Medellín, Colombia
  • Oakley, 30
    Shanghai, China
  • Anita, 45
    São Paulo, Brazil
  • Ivon , 23
    Bogotá, Colombia
  • Tatyana, 47
    Las Vegas, USA
  • Chekay, 39
    Philippines, Philippines
  • Mia, 47
    Chonqging, China
  • Vasilina, 36
    Paris, France
  • Samy, 35
    California City, USA
  • Güicho, 33
    Barcelona, Spain
  • 邦尼, 34
    kunming, China, China
  • Daria, 44
    Miami, USA

England is a country which has a huge history and influence in the world: it’s a place which is widely popular among tourists and attracts millions of tourists from different countries who want to see some world-famous places of interest there, it’s a country where you can visit a huge number of amazing museums and learn more about history and culture of Britain and other countries of the world, it’s a country where you can truly embrace the atmosphere of classic Sherlock Holmes stories and enjoy the beauty of old Europe mixed with modernity. It’s an exceptional country by any means: whether you just want to see it with your own eyes or dream of moving there one day, England is a place which can charm you and make you fall in love with it.

But English culture and atmosphere aren’t the only things which can make you fall in love there: lots of attractive and charismatic English men living there can steal your heart with their intelligence, unusual sense of humour and their special charm. Dating an Englishman can be an amazing experience for every lady interested in England and its people. Whether you want to have a short romantic adventure or a long-term relationship with an English guy, then learn more about dating these men and what to expect.

a beautiful couple kissing on a date

What dating English men is like

Englishmen are well-known by lots of people all over the world: their presence in movies and literature makes almost everyone believe that they know these people just by how they are portrayed in the media regardless of whether they have actually spoken with an English man before or not. England has a huge history and culture which has created lots of stereotypes about local people and their character. English men are often seen as cold and arrogant by some foreigners or overly complicated and mannered by others: though it’s always better to communicate with real people and form your opinion about them based on your own experience, many people tend to believe cliches and outdated facts they heard from their friends. Indeed, people living in the same country with similar standards of living and conditions can often have lots of similar traits of character, but every person is still unique: you can’t tell everything about a person just by knowing their nationality like you can’t say everything about their character just by looking at them.

Lots of British people date whoever they want without listening to their relatives too much.

English people can be very diverse: it’s no secret that a guy living in a small cosy town is different from an Englishman living in the centre of London. They all have different tastes, relationship goals and views and you can’t assume that you can describe most English men with a few phrases: at the same time, there are things which can be pretty common and they can help you to know in advance what to expect from dating English guys. There are a few features you can see in your English boyfriend:

  • British people tend to drink on dates and while meeting their friends. Liquid courage is essential for most British men (and lots of women) on dates: it’s hard to see a date that doesn’t include a drink or two. Alcohol helps local people to be more open and less shy, they start joking more and feel more comfortable while communicating (especially with people they like). When you’re on a date with an Englishman, you don’t have to drink a lot and don’t even try to overdrink him: just have a little and enjoy your communication. You shouldn’t be afraid of your potential English partner being an alcoholic: they know their limits and don’t cross the line;
  • These men don’t put that much attention to what their parents think of their partners. Though in many countries it’s essential to meet your partner’s parents when things become serious, in Britain your partner’s parents’ reaction is not a deal-breaker: lots of British people date whoever they want without listening to their relatives too much. It’s still a great thing to create a good first impression on your partner’s family, but even if you somehow don’t match their standards, then you shouldn’t be too nervous about that: your man will love and date you anyway;
  • They date exclusively. There’s no such thing as “casual dating with several people at a time” in England: though dating is assumed to be less serious than being in relationships, people still prefer dating exclusively when they’re really interested in their partners. Even drinking a cup of coffee with someone who’s not your colleague or relative can be seen as being unreliable unless it’s a good old friend of yours. Don’t date more than one person at a time: lots of local people are pretty serious about dating;
  • British people don’t go on dates in the daytime. It’s not customary there to have a date when the sun hasn’t set yet or at least until it’s a good time to dine together: local people tend to think evenings are much more appropriate for romantic meetings than days. Therefore, an English man who asks you out in the evening isn’t trying to stay friends with you: he’s probably into you and wants to know you better;
  • These people don’t think only about sex all the time. These people aren’t as obsessed with intimacy all the time: they want to know more about their partner’s personality, interests, hobbies and character and they don’t want to get into their bedroom all the time. Most British men are interested in serious relationships rather than one-night stands: they don’t have to rush things because they want to install better understanding and connection with their women before sleeping with them;
  • They are more reserved and low-key. Englishmen aren’t cold and unapproachable: they just tend to demonstrate their emotions and feelings less than Americans or men living in other countries. It can be a result of their culture and upbringing or just social norms of behaviour in England, but lots of local men become talkative and relaxed only after a few drinks;
  • It’s not about money. Dating an English man is not about being interested only in your partner’s income and future perspectives. They aren’t that shallow: they want understanding and mutual connection and value them much more than their partner’s bank account. Being with an English guy is about finding a reliable and compatible partner for life who can become your friend and companion rather than just being in a relationship with your provider.

a couple dating romantically while sitting on stairs

Find an English man of your dreams online on

Though visiting England is a great experience for every person who loves travelling and is interested in English history and culture, not everyone has an opportunity to go there for a while to have a chance to meet an English man of their dreams. The good news is that in our modern world everyone is allowed to meet their perfect partner wherever they are without even leaving their houses: online dating allows every person to find new friends and potential partners wherever they are. Hundreds of dating sites all over the world blur the distances between soulmates: everyone who has a gadget or a computer with internet access can become a part of the amazing world of new opportunities in a few clicks.

Englishmen aren’t cold and unapproachable: they just tend to demonstrate their emotions and feelings less than Americans or men living in other countries. is your best chance to meet your perfect English partner online. The service with more than 25 years of working experience allows everyone to have the best possible online dating experience: knows what people want and expect from perfect online relationships. Use a searching algorithm to meet the most compatible English men and match with attractive English singles who definitely like you back. Communicate, socialize and learn more about your potential partners online to find the perfect one for you. gives everyone a chance to achieve happiness and great relationships without boundaries or limits. Meet your perfect English man and have the best possible dating experience online on!

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