Dating in Qatar

Some people don’t need easy ways: though most Westernized countries are full of singles interested in dating and long-term relationships, some people are fascinated by the modesty and beauty of Qatar women and the masculinity of Qatar men. If you’re from Qatar and also want to find a good partner, then online dating can help you a lot: it’s a great opportunity to build a strong and healthy relationship with the person of your dreams.

  • Ellianna , 34
    Makati City, Philippines
  • Kristina, 26
    Lviv, Ukraine
  • 邦尼, 35
    kunming, China, China
  • Luz, 50
    Calamba City, Philippines
  • Lexie, 29
    İstanbul, Turkey
  • Güicho, 34
    Barcelona, Spain
  • Juan, 49
    Málaga, Spain
  • Eugenia, 38
    Madrid, Spain
  • Lawal Samuel kayode , 30
    Lokoja, Nigeria
  • Mile, 41
    Barrancabermeja, Colombia
  • Damian, 39
    São Paulo, Brazil
  • Mia, 48
    Chonqging, China

Dating in Qatar - is it even a thing, you might ask? Even though dating in the western understanding of this word is prohibited, the dating scene in Qatar is just as broad and various as in many other Arab countries. Especially if you and your partner are both from Western countries but living in Qatar, your personal life won’t be any different from the one you lead in your home country.

But if you want to date Qatari singles, this is when the most differences will be felt. We want you to get the most out of Qatar dating, so we suggest learning a set of rules first before you start.

a happy Muslim couple enjoying their time together

Keep the private thing private

All dating-related things and especially such intimate issues as sex are illegal in Qatar. It is impossible to share the details of your love life as freely as you do in western countries. This means love life is reserved and fully kept between the two participants of the couple.

Being a person from outside Qatar you will have to get used to the fact that showing your affection in public is impossible. Hugs, kisses and even holding hands are considered too vulgar and inappropriate. Even if you and your partner are not Qatari, try to keep everything behind the locked doors just for the sake of your personal safety as well as to avoid judgement.

You also can’t legally move in with your partner until you are married. But don’t see it as an obstacle and rather think of finally enjoying your time together when you finally become a family. Waiting for the best things to come only allows to gain an appetite.

Hugs, kisses and even holding hands are considered too vulgar and inappropriate.

Respect the family

As dating in Qatar always leads to marriage, expect to meet the family of your loved one soon. Especially if you are an ex-pat living in Qatar they won’t approve the relationships between you and their child before they make sure you are an actually trustworthy individual. If you really have strong bonds with your fiance and serious intentions are kept in mind, you will definitely have no issues in meeting the parents and proving you are the one destined for their son or daughter.

If you are one of the Qatar girls dating a local man, be ready to move in with his family after you get married. It will be much more simple to live together if you make the right impression and build good relationships from the very start. That means that seeing the parents for the first time is extremely important and you have to treat this event seriously.

Qatari character

If you happen to date a Qatari man, you can just relax and enjoy the time you spend together. They are extremely chivalrous as they are taught to court and respect their women from their very childhood. You will never have to worry about splitting the bills, as a Qatari man not paying for his woman is considered rude. He will drown you in flowers and buy you jewellery, he will drive you to the date and back home, and he will also be extremely happy to see you as the housewife keeping the home welcoming and warm.

The only thing you have to remember dating a Qatari man as a Western woman is that he can be already married. Many of them treat Western women as if they are easier than local girls, so many Arab men want to get physical very fast. Be sure to check if his intentions are actually as serious as he says.

As for Qatar girls, the whole reputation of their family lays on their shoulders. Take that into consideration before making any ill-conceived moves. If you don’t feel too familiar with Qatari culture you can let the girl lead the relationship so that you don’t do anything wrong. But if you just want to have fun and date around, Qatari ladies are not for you. Approach them only if you really fall in love and have serious intentions. In that case, you will get a devoted wife who will treat you like a king.

a happy Muslim couple posing together

How to meet qatari singles

As the dating scene in Qatar is rather reserved, there are not many ways you can meet singles here. We can suggest the following scenarios:

  • Make some friends first. Meeting a significant other through friends and family is quite common in Qatar. This allows learning more about the person from the people who already know them. If a family gives credit to a girl or a man, that means this person is definitely worth attention and the relationships can easily lead to marriage;
  • Attend events. Don’t think that such a reserved country in Qatar has no social events. People here share hobbies and interests just like anywhere in the world, so you can easily find like-minded individuals through common interests. This also can help you meet a person who you will never get bored with as you share many things in common;
  • Online dating. You will be surprised to find out how many people in Qatar try to establish their love life through dating apps and websites. There are definitely much more precautions taken to make this happen, but the online love life is still as active as anywhere else in the world.

You will be surprised to find out how many people in Qatar try to establish their love life through dating apps and websites.

Online dating in Qatar tips

Multiple dating websites offer you to meet singles from Qatar. Whether you choose or any other option remember some things which can help you keep the dating process safe:

  • Don’t share too much information. Keep some things private for a while before you make sure you can actually trust your partner. Dating scams can be found anywhere in the world and in Qatar, they sometimes can be dangerous, so safety measures are never too extravagant;
  • Choose the place to meet for the first time. Even if you don’t want your friends and relatives to find out you are dating someone, don’t agree to meet at home or outside the city. Public places are perfect for first dates offline, especially since online dating allows to hide the real personality behind the image created in a dating profile;
  • Don’t agree to meet with strangers. Before you arrange an actual meeting, try to find out as much as possible about your potential partner. You should feel safe on a date, so if you feel that something goes wrong just cancel the meeting.

Even though it seems like dating in Qatar is extremely challenging, people still enjoy seeing each other here. Dating a person from Qatar can lead you to greatly enjoyable relationships full of love and affection. Be sure to check out Qatari singles at

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